a message to our customers regarding coronavirus

A message to our customers regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and The Basement

First off, we want to ensure you that all members of our small staff at all 3 locations are in perfect health and have exhibited absolutely no signs of the virus. Cross-company management has also been informed to keep a strict watchful eye and to immediately send any staff members home that exhibit ANY sign of illness. We also wanted to take a moment to make you aware of all of the extra precautions we are taking to make sure our facilities are a safe place to visit:

  1. As of Saturday, March 14th, 2020, all games at all locations (including on weekends) will be available to be booked privately at a largely discounted rate. Discounted private pricing information is available on each individual experience’s booking page.
  2. Before and after ALL GAMES, trained staff members are thoroughly disinfecting ALL surfaces, items, clues, locks, etc. inside the rooms. We are taking this VERY seriously for both your safety as well as the safety of our staff.
  3. All performers have been instructed to keep a safe distance from customers at all times recommended by the CDC and WHO, and surgical nitrile gloves are being provided for performers to wear as well.
  4. All guests will also be provided with nitrile gloves to wear at their discretion throughout their experience. We encourage all guests to take advantage of this and wear the provided gloves. All sizes will be made available.
  5. Hand sanitizer stations have been installed throughout our facilities, and all guests are encouraged to use such before and after their games.
  6. As always, we will also continue to have our facilities deep cleaned twice a week as we have done since opening.

That being said, we also ask that anyone experiencing any signs of illness please refrain from visiting our venues until you have been symptom free for at least 30 days. If staff members observe any obvious signs of illness while you are visiting our facilities, you may be asked to leave and return at a later time when you are symptom free.

I truly appreciate your continued trust and patronage throughout this ordeal. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and take actions necessary to help keep our employees and customers safe while providing Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Kansas City with a fun and exciting escape from this difficult and uncertain time.


Kayden M. Ressel

CEO, Dark House Entertainment Inc.

Kayden Ressel

Kayden is the owner of The Basement: A Live Escape Room Experience and an immersive design firm known as Nedyak Designs, LLC. Kayden has produced high-end escape rooms and immersive experiences for A-list celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, and many high budget creative projects.

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